
Hyundai Translead is dedicated to strengthening the communities where we live and work. We prioritize volunteering and providing financial support to local organizations and services, fostering communal health and well-being. Our commitment to community engagement reflects our connection to our communities and our desire to contribute positively to their development.


These principles apply to each of the communities Hyundai Translead serves in. Our focus is on creating impactful community initiatives that support local needs and promote a vibrant, healthy community life.

Guiding Principles for Caring for Our Communities

  1. Active Volunteering: We encourage our employees to engage in volunteer activities that address local needs, offering support and resources to make meaningful contributions.
  2. Financial Support: We provide financial assistance to local organizations and services, supporting initiatives that enhance community welfare and address critical issues.
  3. Community Integration: Our employees and operations are integral parts of the communities we serve. We aim to build strong, lasting relationships with community members and organizations.
  4. Health and Well-Being: We are committed to promoting the health and well-being of the communities where we operate, supporting programs and services that improve quality of life.
  5. Education and Development: We invest in educational and developmental programs that empower community members, fostering growth and enhancing opportunities for all. We recognize this is particularly important for children and marginalized groups.
  6. Cultural and Social Enrichment: We support activities and programs that enrich the cultural and social fabric of the community, celebrating diversity and fostering inclusion.
  7. Disaster Relief and Support: We stand ready to assist communities in times of crisis, providing resources and support for disaster relief and recovery efforts.

Through these principles, Hyundai Translead aims to be a steadfast partner to our communities, championing their health, development and overall well-being. Our commitment to community engagement underscores our belief in our mission to Progress for Humanity, as we work together to build stronger, more resilient communities.